Company Policies

Quality policy

Our company has established customer satisfaction as the central goal of its services. Implementing an up to date quality management system, we strive to prevent errors at every level of our operations and to continually upgrade our services. Our personnel make sure that the required specifications are met at all stages of implementation of the services offered by our company. By constantly reviewing and redesigning objective quality goals, we monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of work at all levels.

Health & safety policy

Our company consistently applies a health and safety at work system, based on full compliance with the legal requirements for the work health and safety sector, and at the same time meeting the requirements of the standard ISO 45001. Our health and safety system provides all the necessary guarantees to our people that their daily work is surrounded by absolute safety.

Environmental policy

Our company is committed to using environmental friendly practices to combine efficient production with effective environmental protection. All our activities are conducted in a way that ensures the correct and efficient use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources. Compliance with applying legislation, continuous efforts to protect the environment and strive to improve environmental performance are an integral part of our personnel’s daily activities.

Information Security Management System Policy

Through the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in accordance with ISO 27001, RENEL I.K.E. Management is committed to:

Meeting the applicable requirements of all stakeholders (e.g., legal, regulatory, contractual) related to information security. This includes complying with all relevant laws, regulations, and contracts that relate to the protection of information assets.
Setting measurable information security objectives that are aligned with this policy, monitoring them, and updating them as needed. This involves establishing clear and measurable goals for improving information security and regularly tracking progress against those goals.

Taking all necessary measures to achieve continuous improvement of the Information Security Management System. This includes implementing a continuous improvement process that identifies areas for improvement, develops and implements corrective actions, and monitors the effectiveness of those actions.
Reviewing this policy when necessary to ensure its adequacy and suitability. This involves periodically reviewing the policy to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in the face of changing circumstances.
Providing employees with the necessary training and a suitable working environment to successfully carry out information security-related tasks. This includes providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to protect information assets and creating a workplace culture that supports information security.
Providing the necessary resources for the operation of the Information Security Management System. This includes allocating sufficient financial and human resources to support the implementation and maintenance of the ISMS.
Taking into account and applying the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union in cases where personal data is collected and processed. This includes complying with the GDPR’s requirements for the protection of personal data.
Complying with the requirements arising from the applicable legal and regulatory framework for the protection of privacy and personal data. This includes complying with all relevant laws and regulations that relate to the protection of personal information.

Business Continuity Management System Policy

RENEL I.K.E. Management recognizes the importance of ensuring the continuity of its critical business operations and services in order to meet the expectations and requirements of its stakeholders and maintain its reputation and competitive advantage.

To this end, the company is committed to operating a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) in accordance with the principles and requirements of ISO 22301.

The BCMS is designed to facilitate:

The identification, assessment and prioritization of risks and threats that may affect the company’s critical business operations and services
The development and maintenance of appropriate strategies, plans, procedures and resources to ensure the continuity of critical business operations and services.

Business continuity goals and targets are set based on the results of Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment, and are reviewed periodically to align with the changing needs and priorities of the company. The company monitors and measures the performance of the BCMS and takes the necessary corrective and preventive actions for continuous improvement.

The company communicates this policy to all employees, partners and other stakeholders and provides the necessary training, awareness and resources to support and implement the BCMS.

The company complies with the applicable requirements of all stakeholders (e.g., legal, regulatory, contractual) related to business continuity and continuously improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the BCMS through review, audit and improvement activities.

Management Representative

Georgios Chatzargiros – 23.04.2024

Anti-bribing & anti-corruption policy

RENEL I.K.E. Management recognizes that bribery is a significant threat not only to society as a whole but also to the company itself, its partners, employees and associates. Therefore, the company is committed to conducting its business activities with zero tolerance for bribery and with the highest standards of ethical conduct.

To this end, the company has developed and implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) in accordance with the international standard ISO 37001 and is committed to both complying with all the requirements contained therein and continuously improving it.

The goals and targets for combating bribery are established in accordance with the company’s operating framework, the needs and expectations of stakeholders and the results of the bribery risk assessment. They are regularly updated to ensure they remain relevant.

Through this policy, the company:

Commits to complying with the applicable legal framework for combating bribery
Prohibits the solicitation and acceptance of bribes by its personnel and anyone working on its behalf
Establishes anti-corruption measures to maintain high ethical standards and protect its reputation against any allegations of bribery
Encourages employees, partners and other stakeholders to report in good faith or on the basis of a sincere and reasonable belief, to the company’s competent bodies, any cases or suspicions of bribery without fear of reprisals
Assigns responsible duties to an appropriate staff member as the Anti-Bribery Compliance Officer. This staff member has the necessary competence, authority and independence to carry out his duties.
Scope of Application

This policy applies to all persons working for or on behalf of the company, including shareholders-owners, directors, employees, trainees and associates (e.g., consultants, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.).

Any employee who violates this policy will face disciplinary sanctions, which could lead to dismissal in cases of particularly serious misconduct. The aforementioned disciplinary sanctions are independent of any civil and criminal liabilities that may arise from involvement in a bribery case under applicable law.

Management Representative

Georgios Chatzargiros – 23.04.2024

Quality assurance