The contract for the 201,500.00 euro budget project was signed for the energy upgrade, through energy saving interventions, of the Highschool of Verdikousia in the Municipality of Elassona, Thessaly.
The school complex was built in 1994-1995 and consists of a two-story building. The interventions concern the building’s systems and in combination with the building interventions, form a single and integrated whole that results in the radical renovation of the building, so that it is classified in energy category A.
The aim of the interventions is to reduce energy consumption, to improve energy performance while simultaneously improving working and living conditions in the building.
The following interventions are the object of the implementation study:
– Shell thermal insulation
– Replacement of frames with new ones of high thermal efficiency
– Replacement of existing radiators with new ones
– Installation of new LED type lighting both in the halls and in the ancillary areas